2013년 1월 15일 화요일

[1월 15일 학습메일] TOEIC PART 3 와 4의 차이는? 바로 대화인가? 연설인가!

2013.1.15 Tuesday No.803

총 30문항. 질문에 가장 적절한 응답을 찾는 유형으로 순발력이 요구되는 파트
Questions 1-3 refer to the following conversation.
What is mentioned about the herbal teas?
(A) They had a decline in sales.
(B) They are available in various flavors.
(C) They are the company’s top seller.
(D) They have 30% of the market share.
What does the woman suggest doing?
(A) Increasing the marketing budget
(B) Calling a financial consultant
(C) Changing a product’s packaging
(D) Meeting with the advertising director
What will the speakers probably do tomorrow?
(A) Take a business trip
(B) Meet for lunch
(C) Review some figures
(D) Talk to Mr. Gordon
총 10문항. 사진을 보여주고 가장 잘 묘사된 선택지를 찾는 유형
Questions 1-3 refer to the following article.

Severe Storm Hits Westville

January 5—A snowstorm that passed through the region earlier this week inconvenienced thousands of travelers. The storm dropped heavy snow at Westville Regional Airport, which resulted in the rescheduling of approximately 60 1. -------.

Although travelers’ plans were disrupted, Patria Nolasco, a spokesperson for the airport, reported that the airport did everything possible to deal with the situation efficiently. “A number of procedures are in place 2. ------- the type of interruption in service that occurred.

However, a shutdown of the airport is the only safe option during extreme weather such as this.” Complaints have been raised that the airport mishandled the situation, taking four days to resume normal operations after the storm ended. Officials are 3. ------- and will release a full report later this month.

(A) tickets
(B) flights
(C) workers
(D) payments
(A) to prevent
(B) to be prevented
(C) prevented
(D) prevents
(A) contacting
(B) investigating
(C) protesting
(D) removing

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참석 : attend, join
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