2012년 10월 12일 금요일

[10월 12일 학습메일] 당신이 궁금한 우리말 잉글리쉬! 오늘의 표현은?

2012.10.12 Friday No.738

총 30문항. 질문에 가장 적절한 응답을 찾는 유형으로 순발력이 요구되는 파트
총 10문항. 사진을 보여주고 가장 잘 묘사된 선택지를 찾는 유형
Questions 1-4 refer to the following e-mail.
To: Sabrina Paez
From: Tom Kinney
Date: February 21
Subject: Junior reporter position

Dear Ms. Paez,

I’d like to congratulate you once again on making it through the preliminary screening of our junior reporter position. As I told you over the phone, now that your résumé has been approved, you’ll have to take a writing test, which will be administered at our office. The test will take place at 10:30 A.M. on Saturday, March 3. I will be calling all applicants on March 7 to inform them about their test scores. Successful candidates will then be asked to set up an interview time.

Our office is located on the 5th floor of the Wilmington Building at 2394 Columbia Road. There isn’t a bus stop near the office, so I recommend taking the subway. From Moreno Station, take exit 3 and walk straight for about 10 minutes. You will see the building on your right, next to the Cheshire Theater.

I will not be in the office on Saturday, but one of the HR employees will assist you when you arrive and direct you to the testing location. If you have any questions before the testing day, feel free to e-mail me at this address and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Tom Kinney
Human resources manager, Veltri Publishing
What is the purpose of this e-mail?
(A) To explain the next step in a hiring process
(B) To offer Ms. Paez a position at the company
(C) To set up an interview time with Ms. Paez
(D) To give the results of Ms. Paez’s writing test
According to the e-mail, what will Mr. Kinney do on March 7?
(A) Train employees
(B) Contact applicants
(C) Conduct interviews
(D) Take a day off
What does Mr. Kinney mention about the Wilmington Building?
(A) It has more than five stories.
(B) It has a bus stop within walking distance.
(C) It is closed on Saturday afternoons.
(D) It is located near a performance venue.
What will probably happen when Ms. Paez arrives to the office?
(A) She will be given a visitor’s ID badge.
(B) She will go to Mr. Kinney’s office.
(C) She will be greeted by Mr. Kinney’s coworker.
(D) She will attend an orientation session.

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무료의 : complimentary , free
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