2011년 1월 27일 목요일

[토익&토익Speaking] 불안, 초조에 대한 영어 표현들을 알아볼까요?

이제는 TOEIC Speaking 시대! e4u사이버어학원과 함께하세요. 2011 . 01 . 27 Thursday
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<토익 Speaking 단기완성(1,2탄) + 모의테스트 패키지>
단과 강의와 실전 모의테스트로 짧고 굵게 끝내는 토익 Speaking 준비!
오늘은 Part 7를 풀어볼까요?
1. Chester Hotel Chain to Provide Paid Cable
By Dianne Toner

In an effort to reduce costs, the executives of Chester Hotels announced this morning that, starting on January 1 of next year, free cable television will no longer be available in suites. Murray Wilkinson, the vice-president of Chester Hotels, believes that this will generate $3 million in savings over the course of a year. While four local TV channels will be available, guests can choose to purchase a temporary cable package for $12 more when they check in. For the past seven years, Chester Hotels has been ranked as the number one tourist hotel by the National Committee for Tourism, and Mr. Wilkinson insists that the hotel chain will continue to provide fast and friendly service.

What is the main focus of the article?
a.Plans to build more hotels
b.A revision to the services of a hotel
c.A summary of various travel packages
d.The opening of a first-class restaurant
2. What is implied about the Chester Hotel chain?

a.It will hire at least 300 employees.
b.It has recently named a new president.
c.It is the country's leading hotel chain.
d.It will be purchased by a bigger hotel.

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영국에 한 사업가가 있었다. 그는 사업에 대한 고민과 걱정으로 항상 불안했고, 늘 초조하게 살아갔다. 그 고통이 심했던 터라 그는 근심 없이 살 수 있는 방법을 생각하다가 기발한 생각을 하게 됐다. 일주일 내내 ... >> more
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