2009년 11월 6일 금요일

[무료학습메일] 가을의 미학 - 영1지

No.962    2009. 11. 06. Friday
☆★ ET-house 大 변신 프로젝트 ★☆
어떻게 달라지는지 궁금하세요?
[ET-Daily 11/2부터 신청 중단합니다]
[틴즈 유료mp3] 지원 기종 확인하세요.
[틴즈 무료mp3] 교재명으로 찾으세요.
Questions 1-3 refer to the following memo.
FROM: Guy Kristerson, Chairperson, Board of Directors
TO: All board members
SUBJECT: Next week's meeting

Hello everyone,

Please remember that we have a board meeting next week. We're still working on an agenda for the meeting, and we hope to have it finalized by the end of the week. If there are any issues you would like to raise, email me or the board secretary Quentin Palmer with those details right away. As soon as the agenda is fi nalized, I will forward you all a copy so that you can begin preparing for the meeting. I will also send you all a copy of the minutes from last month's meeting at the same time.

Unfortunately, CEO Gemma Peterson won't be able to brief us next week. She will be attending a conference on women in management in Berlin. Instead of her, Frank Jacobs, the CFO, will attend the meeting. If you'd like to contact him directly about anything, his email is fjacobs@impact.com.

I look forward to seeing you all next week, and I'll be in touch again soon.

Kind regards,
Guy Kristerson

What is the main purpose of this memo?    
(A) To remind people about the upcoming meeting  
(B) To inform board members of the agenda  
(C) To let the recipients know about the cancellation  
(D) To explain the board's latest decision  

What will everyone be sent later?    
(A) Mr. Jacobs' contact details  
(B) A record of the previous meeting  
(C) A copy of the annual report  
(D) Notification of the venue  

Who will NOT be at the meeting next week?    
(A) Guy Kristerson  
(B) Gemma Peterson  
(C) Frank Jacobs  
(D) Quentin Palmer  
You should buy an organizer to help sort out your study.

서재를 잘 정리하기 위해 서류정리함 좀 사셔야겟어요.
가을의 미학
Fiery colors begin their yearly conquest of the hills, propelled by the autumn winds.
Fall is the artist.
~ Takayuki Ikkaku
I cannot endure to waste anything as precious as autumn sunshine by staying in the house.
So I spend almost all the daylight hours in the open air.
~ Nathaniel Hawthorne
낮말은 새가 듣고 밤말은 쥐가 듣는다 the walls have ears

[강사 : Curie Lim]

- Boston University, MA, USA 졸업
- 숙명여자대학교 TESOL과정 수료
- 미국, 홍콩 등 해외 체류 20년

the walls have ears 낮말은 새가 듣고 밤말은 쥐가 듣는다

A : Keep your voice down.
목소리 좀 낮춰요.

What if someone overhears a company secret or something?
누가 회사 기밀을 엿들기라도 하면 어떡해요?

B : There's no one around, though.
근처에 아무도 없는데요. 뭘.

A : But they say that the walls have ears.
낮말은 새가 듣고 밤말은 쥐가 듣는다고 하쟎아요.

You can never be too careful.
조심해서 나쁠 거 없쟎아요.

[한국의 명소] 백두산
북한에 있는 산 중에서 알려진 산이 또 있나요?
Is there any other well known mountain in North Korea?
백두산은 들어 보셨어요?
Have you heard about 'Baekdu' mountain?
한국에서 가장 높은 산이죠.
It's the tallest mountain in Korea.
그 크기도 웅장하지만 생태계가 잘 보존되어 있는 곳이에요.
Not only is it majestic but its ecosystem is well preserved.

미 주지사 선거, 오바마 중간평가 무대
유엔, 아시아 역내 무역 활성화 해야
김진우 회원님께서는 2008-10-23 에 회원가입을 하셨으며, 회원가입 또는 회원정보수정시 메일 수신을 동의하셨습니다. 메일 수신을 원치 않으시면 수신거부를 클릭해 주시기 바랍니다.

본 메일은 정보통신망이용촉진및정보보호 등에 관한 법률 및 시행규칙을 준수한 발신전용 이메일로서,회신이 불가능 하오니 문의가 있으신 분은 고객만족센터를 이용해 주시기 바랍니다.

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